Share whole screen
- Click on the
Share content icon in the main menu.
- Open the selection menu by clicking on the button. All available screens are now displayed either in the grid layout or in the list layout.
Grid Layout
You are presented with large preview videos from all connected screens.
List Layout
A list displaying the numbers of all connected screens along with a small preview videos is shown.
- You can decide whether you want to share your computer’s sound. To do so, click either on the or button in the selection menu.
- Select the screen you want to share.
Note: Once you have selected a screen, transmission will begin immediately.
- To stop the video transmission, click the Share content
icon in the main menu.
- Then click the red button in the screen share menu.
When you share the screen on which you opened alfaview, the alfaview main window minimizes automatically and the Mini window opens.
Last updated on August 8th, 2024, 08:17 am