Video and screen share resolutions
Participant videos
The resolution of the video in a room varies depending on the role of the participant.
- In the default 4:3 aspect ratio, videos of VIPs have a maximum resolution of 640x480p, while videos of all other participants have a maximum resolution of 512x384p.
- If you have selected Use 16:9 video aspect ratio for participant videos room feature in the Room Management settings, a maximum video resolution of 1280x720p is available for VIPs. Other participants’ videos are limited to a maximum resolution of 1024x576p.
Videos with a resolution higher than the maximum specified will be automatically downscaled.
Screen share
For screen share, the maximum resolution is 1920x1200p. Sources with a higher resolution are automatically downscaled.
Second camera
If you want to use a second camera, you can choose between three resolutions in your alfaview room:
- 640x480p
- 1280x720p
- 1920x1080p
Open the Settings tab in the secondary menu. Click the button. Go to the Video tab and select the resolution (480p, 720p, 1080) you want to use and which is supported by your camera.
Videos with a resolution higher than the maximum specified will be automatically downscaled.
Last updated on July 30th, 2024, 07:55 am