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Room structure and departments

alfaview goes beyond individual meetings by offering a virtual company structure with departments and rooms. You can create new rooms, organise them into departments and invite guests for one-off or recurring meetings. Replicate your offline structure in a virtual environment for better teamwork and effortless communication.

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Create room

Create a new room for your company. You can only create new rooms if you have enough room quota left.

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Edit room

Edit your room’s name, add breakout groups or set a default user role. You can add users or invite guests and enable the transcription and translation.

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Room features

Use the room features to configure your room to your needs. You can change the room settings via the administration interface or the Host Tools in the room.

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Guest and group links

Invite people to your rooms: Guest links are personalized and can therefore only used by one person. Group links can be used by multiple people at the same time.

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