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Proxy configuration

The proxy configuration is located in the settings dialog under Settings > Network.

Further information on network requirements can be found in the article system and network requirements.

The 'Network' tab in the settings of the  alfaview room are open. The 'Auto detect' option fot the Proxy server configuration is selected.
Automatic proxy configuration

Auto detect

Automatic proxy configuration is the default setting and recommended for most use cases.

  • This setting tries to adopt an existing proxy configuration.
  • It also attempts to establish the connection through bypassing the proxy configuration.
  • The option Prefer proxy connection prevents bypassing the proxy configuration.

HTTP proxy

The 'Network' tab in the settings of the  alfaview room are open. The 'HTTP Proxy' option fot the Proxy server configuration is selected.
HTTP proxy configuration

This setting allows the manual configuration of an HTTP proxy. Enter the host and port, and optionally the user name and password for configuring the proxy server.

No proxy

If no proxy configuration should be used, use this option.

Last updated on July 29th, 2024, 02:15 pm