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Live Transcription and Translation

For live transcription and translation to be available to participants in a conference room, the room administrator with full room admin permission must enable it. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the Edit room page.

The 'Live transcription' tab in the secondary menu is open. The red dot next to the transcription icon indicates that the transcription is currently running.
Live Transcription sidebar

Live Transcription

The Live Transcription transcribes the participants’ spoken language to text (Speech to Text) and displays it as a chat message.

Enable Live Transcription

If the live transcription is enabled for your alfaview room, people with admin or moderator rights can start the Live Transcription.

  • Click on the Transcription tab in the secondary menu.
  • As an administrator, you can first set the language spoken in the room by clicking the button.
  • Admins and moderators can start the Live Transcription by clicking on the button. The spoken language will then be displayed as chat messages in the Transcription tab.
  • Click the grey button to stop the transcription.

Once the live transcription has started, the following settings are available:

As admin, you can set which language is spoken in your alfaview room. Click on the gear wheel icon in the bottom left corner of the live transcription tab. Select the room language from the drop-down menu and confirm your selection by clicking on the button.

Font size
You can change the font size of the live transaction by clicking the icon. Several font sizes are available.

Copy text
You can copy the live transcription or translation. To do this, click the copy icon. The text will be saved in your clipboard. Paste it into a text program of your choice.

You will be shown a running live transcription from the time you joined the meeting room. This means that you can only copy the part of the live transcription for which you were present in the alfaview room.

Translation language
Click on the globe icon to toggle between live transcription and translation. If you select a translation language, the spoken word in the room will be translated for you and it will no longer be a transcription.

Translation languages must be selected in advance by the room administrator. If you are an administrator and would like to enable this feature for your room, you can view the instructions on the Edit Room page.

Live Translation

If a translation language is selected under , the spoken language in the room will be translated into the specified language instead of just being transcribed.

Last updated on August 8th, 2024, 08:53 am