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Security guide

Our goal is to provide you with a pleasant and secure experience while using our software. We want to help you connect with other people. We offer a DSGVO compliant video conferencing software and prioritize your protection while using alfaview. To further enhance your security, we have created a security guide that provides simple tips and tricks.

Verify the authenticity of the alfaview app

Please download the app only from our own website or the official app stores. After downloading, you can check the download file for authenticity.


  • Open the download list. Right-click on the downloaded alfaview file.
  • Click on Properties.
  • Switch to the Digital Signatures tab in the new window.
  • Select the name of the signer and click the Details button.
  • You can now display the certificate to check the authenticity of the installation file.

To verify the authenticity of the already downloaded alfaview app, locate the file on your computer and follow the aforementioned steps.


  • Open the Privacy and security section in the system settings.
  • Check the box next to App Store and identified developers.
  • These settings ensure you to install certified and secure software only.


The hash number is displayed on the alfaview download page. You can use this to check the authenticity of the installation file.

Update the alfaview app regularily

To ensure that you are using the software with the latest security measures and functions, update the app as soon as an update is displayed.

Secure your password

Do not disclose your password to third parties.
Our customer support team will never request your password – either by email or by phone.

When registering an alfaview user account or when being invited to join an alfaview company, it is necessary to set a password. Ensure that the password meets the following requirements:

  • The password must be at least 8 characters.
  • The password must contain at least one number.
  • The password must contain at least one lowercase character.
  • The password must contain at least one uppercase character.
  • The password must contain at least one symbol.

Do not use the same password more than once. If you have trouble remembering passwords, consider using a password manager like KeePass

To update your password, simply access the administration page and navigate to Profile in the menu on the left. For more information, please refer to the page Personal profile and security.

If you have forgotten your password, please use the Reset password function.

Activate the two-factor authentication

Activate the two-factor authentication to protect your user account even better. An authentication code generated by an authentication app or software will be required for every login.

For more information and a guide on how to activate this feature, please refer to page Two-factor authentication.

Please note that you need alfaview version 9.2.0 or later to use this feature.

Verify the authenticity of emails

When you are invited to an alfaview room, meeting or alfaview comapny, or if you need to reset your password, you will receive an email from Additionally, you will receive an email from this address if you have contacted our customer support or if we need to share important information with you, such as changes to the terms and conditions.

Check the email address for spelling mistakes or incorrect characters to ensure that it is not a phishing email.

Invitation link received
Invitation links can be created and sent directly through the alfaview. Upon creation, you will receive an email from containing the invitation link.

Did you receive an email invitation from a different email address?
Invitation links can also be sent via your (company’s) own communication channels. It is important to verify the sender’s identity before clicking on any links. If you are unsure, please contact your designated contact person.

Received email from an alfaview employee
You will only be contacted by customer support or the sales team if you have previously submitted an enquiry.

  • Did you receive an email from
    Our customer support team only communicates through this e-mail address only when responding to queries.
  • Did you receive an email from a different email with the domain
    in this case, it is an email from our sales team.

The customer support team will never request your password, credit card number, or any other payment information.

When you click on an invitation link that has been sent to you, you will be taken to the Join website. There, you can join the alfaview room you have been invited to.

  • Check if the website address is
  • When using a Single sign-on to join, you will join the alfaview room through an alfaview subdomain.
    • The web address of a Single sign-on follows the following structure:
    • Please check if the web address structure is correct.

Security precautions for moderators

Limit the validity period of invitation linksWhen creating group or guest links, it is recommended to limit their validity period. This ensures that the invited individuals can only access your alfaview room for the specified duration.
For more information, please refer to the page Guest and group links.
Do not make invitation links publicly accessiblePlease ensure that only authorized people can access the invitation links.
To achieve this, either send the invitation links directly to the invitees or make the invitation link available solely on your intranet.
Select permissions carefullyBefore sending invitation links, consciously consider which role and therefore which permissions should be given to the people invited to your alfaview room. This will help minimize any unwanted disruptive factors in your alfaview room.

 Security precautions in your alfaview room

You can make individual settings for all participants in the room. For information about these settings and instructions on how to change them, please refer to the page Moderator controls.

Waiting roomActivate the waiting room for your alfaview room to ensure that only invited people or members of your alfaview company have access to your room. You can admit people in the waiting room individually.
The alfaview version 9.11.0 or later allows you to join the waiting room and speak to people who are waiting before you admit them into your room.
For more information, please refer to the page Waiting room.
Allow cameraYou can activate or deactivate the camera of individual participants to prevent unwanted video transmissions.
For more information on how to enable this feature, please refer to the page Moderator controls.
Allow microphoneYou can activate or deactivate the microphone of individual participants to prevent unwanted or unintended noises.
For more information on how to enable this feature, please refer to the page Moderator controls.
Allow screen sharingYou can activate or deactivate the screen sharing feature for individual participants to prevent unwanted sharing of content.
For more information on how to enable this feature, please refer to the page Moderator controls.
Allow chatYou can grant or deny permission to a participant to send messages in the chat to prevent disruptive or inappropriate comments.
For more information on how to enable this feature, please refer to the page Moderator controls.
Remove from this roomAs moderator or admin, you can completely remove other participants from the alfaview room for 12 hours.
For more information on how to enable this feature, please refer to the page Moderator controls.

Last updated on March 21st, 2025, 09:13 am