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Waiting room

The waiting room feature requires the alfaview version 8.68 or higher.

The alfaview version 9.11.0 allows moderators to join waiting participants in the waiting room and speak to them before the participants are admitted to the alfaview room.

The waiting room is deactivated by default and can be activated by moderators or administrators. Participants in the waiting room cannot see or communicate with each other.

Moderators can send private direct messages to people waiting, or join them in the waiting room.

The waiting room

A person is currently in the waiting room. They are waiting to be admitted to the alfaview room.
Participant waiting in the waiting room

When the waiting room is activated, participants without moderator or administration permission enter the waiting room before being admitted to the alfaview room. Each participant is informed that they are in the waiting room and that a moderator must grant them access to the alfaview room.

Administrators and moderators skip the waiting room and enter the alfaview room immediately.

Activate the waiting room

You can activate the waiting room both in the alfaview administration or in the alfaview app itself.

In the alfaview app

As moderator or administrator, you can activate the waiting room in the secondary menu of the alfaview app or web client.

  • Open the participant list in the secondary menu by clicking on the Participant list icon.
  • Click on the Waiting room tab.
  • Click on the slider in the bottom of the tab to activate the waiting room. The waiting room is activated when the slider is displayed in blue.
  • To deactivate the waiting room, click on the slider again.
Activate the waiting room in alfaview

In the administration

As a room administrator, you can also activate the waiting room in the room features on the administration page.

  • Log in to your alfaview account on the administration interface.
  • Click on Rooms in the menu bar on the left side of the administration interface.
  • In the list of your rooms, select the alfaview room for which you want to activate the waiting room.
  • Click on the  Settings icon.
  • Click on the Features tab.
  • Activate the waiting room by clicking on the slider next to Waiting room. The waiting room is activated when the slider is displayed in blue.
  • To deactivate the waiting room, click the slider again.
A list of all room features that can be enabled and disabled from the administration interface.
Activate the waiting room in the Room features

Admit waiting participants

Moderators will be informed by an acoustic signal and a visual notification that there are people in the waiting room. In addition, a red notification signal appears below the Participant list icon in the secondary menu.

  • Click on the Participant list icon in the secondary menu to open the participant list.
  • Click on the Waiting room tab to view all participants who are waiting.
  • Select the participant you want to admit to your alfaview room.
  • Click the button that appears when you hover over the person’s name.

Admit multiple participants at once

  • Tick the boxes next to the names of the people you want to admit to your room.
  • To select all participants, tick the Select all box.
  • Once you have selected all the people you want to admit to your room, click the button.

Sort the participants

  • Click on the context menu at the bottom of the tab next to Waiting room.
  • Choose between Sort by arrival time and Sort by name.
Admit waiting participants to your alfaview room

Admitted participants always join the main room, even if the moderator is in a group.

If the waiting room is deactivated, waiting people are not automatically admitted to the main conference room. Instead, a moderator mus admit them to the alfaview room.

Join waiting participants

As a moderator, you can join the waiting room and speak with waiting attendees. This feature allows you to exchange information, have a chat, or verify the identity of the waiting participants before admitting them to the alfaview room.

Join the group of a waiting participants:

  • In the Waiting room tab, click on the context menu in the bottom of the tab next to Waiting room.
  • Click on the Join waiting participants button.
  • Select the group of the waiting person you want to speak to.
  • Click on the button next to the group’s name.
  • As soon as you and the waiting person have entered the waiting room group, you can communicate with each other via your microphones, cameras and the chat.
  • When you have finished your conversation, you can leave the waiting room by navigating to the Room tab in the Participant list.
  • Select the group you want to join. Then click on the button next to the name of the group.
  • The waiting person returns to the waiting room and must be admitted to the alfaview room by a moderator.
Join participants in the waiting room

While you are in a waiting room group, you can still manage the participants in the alfaview room as well as the participants in the waiting room by using the moderator controls.

If the Consultation with moderation icon is displayed next to a participant’s name in the waiting room, at least one moderator has joined the person in a waiting room group.
As a moderator, you can also join this group or admit the participant to the alfaview room by clicking the button.

Last updated on July 2nd, 2024, 01:04 pm