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alfaview room

Primary and secondary controls

Main menu Secondary menu Status menu Main menu The main menu is located in the middle of the top edge of the application and controls the following functions: Microphone With the microphone symbol the microphone […]

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Screen and audio share

For macOS screen recording has to be allowed in the system settings.You can find more information here: Permission for screen sharing on macOSTo be able to share your computer’s sound you need Windows 10 Build […]

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To simplify collaborative work in alfaview, the Toolbox provides you with quick votes and polls as well as a star rating and a whiteboard. You can also link to External tools. External tool When you […]

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Participant videos and presentation area

The stage is the central element in alfaview. This is where both the participant videos and shared content are displayed.Participant videos are displayed in either Speaker view or Gallery view. When content or a screen […]

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Participant list and breakout groups

The participant list shows all participants who are currently in the main room or in one of the breakout groups. Participants can join breakout groups to have one-on-one discussions or to work together in a […]

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Mini window

The mini window allows you to stay in contact with other participants while using other applications or sharing your screen. It provides access to the most important functions of alfaview. Open the mini window manuallyClick […]

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Chat messages

Click the chat icon in the sidebar to display the messages. Write a message in the input field at the bottom of the sidebar and submit it via the return key (or enter key). New […]

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The tab Settings in the secondary menu contains the settings for audio, video, accessibility, and updates.  Additional settings can be found on the General settings page. Setting changes are automatically applied, saved and applied again […]

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Moderator controls

Moderators have additional features that are useful for controlling a meeting. These functions can be accessed via the participant list in the sidebar. When clicking on a participant, a context menu appears which allows you […]

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Waiting room

The waiting room feature requires the alfaview version 8.68 or higher. The alfaview version 9.11.0 allows moderators to join waiting participants in the waiting room and speak to them before the participants are admitted to […]

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Room admin controls

As a room administrator, you have additional functions in the app in addition to the moderator functions. To access these functions, open the participant list in the function menu. To access the functions, click on […]

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Simultaneous interpreting function

The simultaneous interpreting function offers you the opportunity to follow multilingual meetings, conversations and events live without language barriers. Relay interpreting is possible as well, allowing you to offer the participants in your alfaview room […]

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Live Transcription and Translation

For live transcription and translation to be available to participants in a conference room, the room administrator with full room admin permission must enable it. Instructions on how to do this can be found on […]

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